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Manufacture of machinery and special purpose machinery

In this field we usually provide solutions for issues and problems which have been solved manually so far, with less accuracy and promptitude, and which need automation. It is also possible that you already have some kind of machinery and you would like another one.


When designing machinery, we will solve all mechanical and control/regulation-related tasks, and provide the relevant certificates and authentication documents.

In these cases we make a preliminary survey of the task and the environment of implementation, and we clarify the future requirements and quality assurance principles of our business partner. We also discuss your general requirements according to which we will be able to draw up the most suitable offer.

All this is free for you!

In case an order is submitted, we start our joint work during which you will be continuously informed about intermediate results. Finally, before project documentation is drawn up, we shall check the 3D models together.  Manufacturing is started only after project documentation has been accepted.


The client is allowed to check the manufacturing process and look at the machinery under process. Fitness for service shall be tested at least once in our plant.

At this point we are able to implement any necessary modifications during test production, before final commissioning takes place. Then, final construction works are carried out before the machinery is delivered to the location specified by you.

Delivery is always followed by test production under operating conditions; employees and operators are trained and technicians take part in maintenance training.  Meanwhile documentation is handed over. After a successful test operation the machine will be commissioned and its operation will be followed by us, while granting 1-2 years warranty, according to your needs.

Manufacture of means of production and accessories

This service of manufacturing means of production includes all machinery parts and units that supplement a manufacturing process. In these cases we connect the designed unit to the existing machinery both mechanically and electrically. We always find the bottleneck of production capacity and offer a new solution.

Solutions may include an element of the manufacturing process or a step of a manual manufacturing procedure. Depending on the task and manufacturing, these solutions may be implemented on site, with a short interruption of production, or, if possible, we may also transport particular machines to our workshop. As in the case of our aforementioned services, offers and implementation are always preceded by thorough survey. These cases require an even more careful survey as our machine needs to be fitted into an existing system.

Certainly, there are situations when just a manual assembly station is completed with a simple, manually operated mechanical tool. At this point, ergonomics, design and occupational safety are emphasized in order to ensure simple, quick and accurate work. The designing and manufacturing process, as well as commissioning and warranty are all just routinely managed.

Development, design and manufacture of tools and devices

We guess, this is the most complex element of our work. It often happens that we shall design devices and tools for products which do not yet exist. A good example may be the car industry, particularly the manufacture of exhaust systems.


This field requires us to design multiple-step welding tools for robotic and manual environment which allow the manufacture of prototypes. However, works are not yet completed as not only manufacturing tools shall be designed but testing tools and devices, too. These serve to assess whether the manufactured products are geometrically compliant.


In some cases it becomes necessary to design and manufacture a device for the air tester in order to detect leakages or the lack of leakproofness. Other industry fields include hydraulic assembly presses, hydraulic forming presses and their tools, electrical testers, creep testers, breakdown voltage testers, high voltage testers and air pressure testers.


As for tools, almost all industry fields require several solutions. These may include simple reproductions of existing tools, tools corresponding to ones manufactured in Asian countries, altered and modified in order to comply with EU standards or specially designed, customized tools as well.


Their materials may range from simple high-speed steel cutting blades to carbide calibration tools which may get surface treatment and coating in order to ensure proper hardness and wear resistance.

Technical design and documentation

Technical design or documentation will be required when you manufacture or get the machine or device manufactured according to the design plans, or you simply wish to update/digitize your plans.


When it comes to design, jobs are always started with a clear survey of demands and requirements and exploring the environment. In case orders are submitted, we start our joint work during which you will be continuously informed about intermediate results. Finally, before project documentation is drawn up, we shall check the 3D models together. The 3D model and the 2D plan can both be modified according to your possible or subsequent needs.


In case of documentation/digitizing, projects are also started with 3D modelling, which is followed by the drawing up of the plans.

You may benefit from numerous advantages of 3D models and modelling, such as:

– they enhance programming during cutting,
– programming of sheet forming technologies becomes easier,
– they allow to run FEA during operations related to the design of manufacturing plants and process optimization.

The continuous update of our design system and the purchased converters allow us to be compatible with almost all of our partners at the level of both models and plans, thanks to which our plans are easily fitted to their systems. During handover, both electronic and paper documentation may be delivered.
